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Jump Back in Time 新興國家 (1790-1828)
The Heart of the Rockies, Long Lake & Snowy Range near Ward, Colorado

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參議院於18031020日批准路易斯安那購買條約 (Louisiana Purchase Treaty)

因為面臨到財務上的短缺,而且才剛吃了一場敗仗,又必須面對英國與美國針對領土糾紛而可能與法國引發戰爭的威脅,拿破崙決定減少損失。美國駐法國官員羅伯特‧李文斯坦與詹姆士‧門羅二人共同策劃了這個購買案。這片土地從密西西比河延伸到落機山脈。在簽署購買條約12天後,馬力威瑟‧路易士 (Mariwether Lewis) 與威廉‧克拉克 (William Clark) 奉命前往探索並堪測這片新的土地。那些從美國獨立革命之後就積極尋求向西部發展的新移民們,現在終於可以在一大片新土地上重新落地生根了。

Faced with a shortage of cash, a recent military defeat, and the threat of a war with Great Britain and the United States over the territory in question, Napoleon decided to cut his losses. U.S. minister to France Robert Livingston, and James Monroe made the arrangements for the purchase. The land stretched from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains. Twelve days after the signing of the treaty, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark set out to explore and map the new area. Settlers, who had had been pushing westward since the United States' victory in the Revolutionary War, would now have a vast new expanse of land to homestead.

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