芝加哥市乃是美國第三大城之一,因為許多發明家都在這個「風城」 (Windy
City) 設立製造工廠,例如發明板犁 (steel
plow) 的約翰‧迪爾 (John
Deere) 、發明收割機的賽魯斯‧浩爾‧麥可密克 (Cyrus
Hall McCormick) 等等。而當地的「藍德麥克那利」 (Rand
McNally) 公司也在1880年時成為世界上最大的地圖製造公司。
伊利諾州,尤其是芝加哥市,擁有許多「第一」與「最大」的稱號。例如美國最高的席爾斯大樓 (Sears
Tower) ,以及在1893年第一位進行開心手術的非裔美籍醫生丹尼爾‧哈雷‧威廉斯 (Daniel
Hale Williams) 。在1891年,威廉斯也協助在芝加哥成立「勤儉醫院」 (Provident
Hospital) ,這是一間包容各種人種的機構,能夠讓那些被排除在白人機構的黑人醫生與護士得到醫學訓練的機會,也讓芝加哥當地的黑人社群能夠得到適當的醫療照顧。在芝加哥還發生過哪些大事呢?你知道伊利諾州還有哪些名人嗎?
The city of Chicago became one of the three largest cities in the U.S. because inventors such as John Deere, with his steel plow, and Cyrus Hall McCormick, with his wheat reaper, set up manufacturing plants in the "Windy City." Rand McNally of Chicago became the world's largest mapmaking company by 1880.
Illinois, particularly Chicago, has many "firsts" and "biggests," like Sears Tower, the tallest building in the United States, and African American Daniel Hale Williams, who performed the first open-heart surgery in 1893. He also helped found Provident Hospital in Chicago in 1891 as an interracial institution where black doctors and nurses, denied access to white institutions, could receive medical training, and where members of Chicago's growing black community could receive care. What other famous events happened in Chicago? What other people do you know from the great state of Illinois?
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