陸斯佛得‧比察‧海斯 (Rutherford
Bichard Hayes) 生於1822年10月4日
海斯的第一項任務就是宣誓就職,他在白宮的「紅室」 (Red
Room) 裡秘密完成了這項工作,成為在此宣誓就職的第一位總統。
Hayes' first duty was to take the oath of office, which he did secretly in the Red Room of the White House, becoming the first president to be sworn in there.
Rutherford Birchard Hayes was born on October 4, 1822. The Civil War had been over for 12 years by the time Hayes became president in 1877. Once in office, Hayes withdrew all remaining federal troops from the South and designated funds for improvements in the war-torn South. Surprising many, President Hayes also signed the bill that allowed women attorneys to appear for the first time before the U.S. Supreme Court. At least two other "firsts" occurred at the White House while Hayes was president.
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