尤利塞斯·格蘭特 (Ulysses
S. Grant) 生於1822年4月27日
不過,當格蘭特經商失敗後,他在1861年又回到軍隊。幾個月內,他就被晉陞為準將,並領導一支2萬人的美國軍隊,在內戰 (Civil
War) 期間贏得許多勝仗。戰爭一直持續著,而格蘭特所率領的軍隊人數也越來越多,到了1864年,格蘭特成為統領全國軍隊的總指揮官。就像他進入軍隊一樣,格蘭特後來也進入政壇。他輕易的贏得了1868年與1872年的總統大選。到了1884年,這位戰爭英雄被診斷出得了癌症。他開始著手撰寫有史以來最好的軍人自傳。他的自傳後來被他朋友馬克‧吐溫 (Mark
Twain) 所出版。問問你的家人,看他們有沒有讀過格蘭特的自傳。
After failed business ventures, Grant returned to the army in 1861. Within months, he was promoted to brigadier general and placed in charge of 20,000 Union troops, which he led to many victories during the Civil War. Grant commanded larger and larger armies as the war went on and, by 1864, he commanded the whole U.S. army as general-in-chief. Just as he had drifted into the military, Grant drifted into politics. He easily won the presidential elections of 1868 and 1872. In 1884, the war hero, diagnosed with cancer, managed to write one of the finest military autobiographies ever written. It was published by his friend, Mark Twain. Ask your family if they have ever read the memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant.
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