傑克森在1814年8月9日簽署傑克森堡條約 (Treat
of Fort Jackson)
七個月之後,傑克森的軍隊又在馬靴灣戰役 (Battle of Horseshoe Bend) 中,擊敗了克裡克族的防線。有8百名克裡克族的鬥士被殺,而有5百名婦女與兒童被捕。
As they moved west, settlers took large amounts of land, often acquired by unfair means. After the attack at Lake Tensaw, Jackson led 5,000 militiamen in the destruction of two Creek villages.
Seven months later, Jackson's forces destroyed the Creek defenses at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. Eight hundred Creek warriors were killed and 500 women and children captured.
On August 9, 1814, Jackson signed the Treaty of Fort Jackson, bringing an end to the war. The Creeks lost 23 million acres of their land in present-day Alabama and Georgia to the United States.
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