庫興‧愛爾斯 (Cushing
Eells) 生於1810年2月16日
西元1836年,惠特曼夫婦在與今天的瓦拉瓦拉地區不遠的魏拉普 (Wailatpu) 地區的凱爾斯印第安人居住地發起傳教團。為了要推廣新教,惠特曼夫婦在當地新建學校與磨坊,並且幫當地居民研磨穀粒,還教導他們灌溉穀物的方式。幾年之後,馬可仕‧惠特曼已經協助1千名移居者到奧勒岡 (Oregon) 地區定
In 1836, the Whitmans set up a mission among the Cayuse Indians at Waillatpu not far from where Walla Walla is today. In addition to promoting the Protestant religion, the Whitmans set up schools and mills for grinding grain and introduced crop irrigation. A few years later, Marcus Whitman helped a group of 1,000 settlers find their way to the Oregon Territory. When the new settlers arrived, tensions with the Native Americans increased.
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