人稱奇卡磨加之石的喬治‧湯瑪斯 (Geoege
H. Thomas) 將軍生於1816年7月31日
喬治‧湯瑪斯將軍在1816年7月31日生於維吉尼亞的南漢普敦市 (Southhampton
County) ,他被人們稱為是「奇卡磨加之石」 (The
Rock of Chickamauga) 。他之所以得到這個外號,是因為在1863年內戰期間,他在喬治亞的西北方擊敗奇卡磨加克裡克原住民。他後來為北方聯盟贏得了更多勝仗。你覺得他在這張照片裡看起來向不像「石頭」般堅硬呢?
Born on July 31, 1816, in Southampton County, Virginia, General George H. Thomas was known as "The Rock of Chickamauga." He got the nickname by defending the Chickamauga Creek in northwestern Georgia in 1863 during the Civil War. He then went on to win more battles for the Union. Doesn't he look "rock" solid in this old photograph?
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