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Jump Back in Time 新興國家 (1790-1828) 
Tom Thumb, standing on a table, between 1844 and 1860.

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費尼爾司泰勒巴能 (Phineas Taylor Barnum) 的誕生

巴能舉辦過最有名且獲利最多的表演就是「湯姆拇指將軍」 (General Tom Thumb) 。其實他是一個只有25英吋高的人,名字叫做查爾斯史崔頓 (Charles Stratton) 。這個表演吸引了將近2千萬人來觀賞。巴能甚至還把史崔頓帶到白宮去表演,他們在那裡還遇見了林肯總統。

當巴能與詹姆士‧貝裡 (
James Bailey) 成立「地球上最精采的表演」時,他已經超過60歲了。你可能知道這就是有名的「玲玲馬戲團」 (Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus) 。今日,你或許可以欣賞許多馬戲團的表演,但是你絕對看不到另外一隻斐濟美人魚了。

Barnum's most famous and profitable exhibit was Charles Stratton, a 25-inch-tall man whom Barnum promoted as General Tom Thumb. The exhibit drew 20 million people. Barnum even took Stratton to the White House, where the two of them met President Abraham Lincoln.

P.T. Barnum was over 60 when he and James Bailey created the "Greatest Show on Earth." You may know it as the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus. There are all kinds of circuses you can go to today, although it is unlikely you will ever find another FeeJee Mermaid.

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