教育家愛默斯‧布朗森‧愛爾考特 (Amos
Bronson Alcott) ,也是路易莎‧梅‧愛爾考特 (Louisa
May Alcott) 之父出生於1799年11月29日
作家常常會以他們熟悉的人為範本,做為小說中主角的特質。在路易莎‧梅‧愛爾考特的「小婦人」 (Little
Women) 一書中的父親角色,就是以她自己的父親愛默斯‧布朗森‧愛爾考特為參考範本。
愛默斯‧布朗森‧愛爾考特於1799年11月29日出生在康乃狄克州的沃考特 (Wolcott) 。他是一個教育家,也是一個哲學家。因為他是一個貧窮的亞麻農之子,愛爾考特幾乎是自學長大的。在他年輕的時候,他當過小販、雜工,與園丁,但是他同時也閱讀自己喜歡的英語、德語書籍與哲學。
愛爾考特有前衛的想法,他強烈支持女性應該擁有投票權。在他寫給投票權運動領袖伊利莎白‧凱蒂‧史單頓 (Elizabeth
Cady Stanton) 的信裡,愛爾考特認為「女性…以更好的經歷與方式來保衛自己家園的決心,是我們任何一個 (男性) 可以想像或做到的…。」
Often authors base characters in their stories on people they know. The father in Louisa May Alcott's Little Women was based on her real-life father, Amos Bronson Alcott.
An educator and philosopher, Amos Bronson Alcott was born on November 29, 1799, in Wolcott, Connecticut. The son of a poor farmer of flax (a plant that is used in making linen), Alcott was almost completely self-educated. As a young man, he worked as a peddler, handyman, and gardener and read his own selection of English and German literature and philosophy.
A modern man for his time, Alcott strongly believed in a woman's right to vote. In a letter to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a leader in the suffrage movement, he wrote "Woman . . . is helping herself to secure her place in a better spirit and manner than any we [men] can suggest or devise. . . ."
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