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退伍軍人節 (Veterans Day) :1111

「以戰止戰」。如果這場戰爭真的做到終結所有戰爭,那麼1111日仍然會被稱為休戰紀念日。第二次世界大戰結束後,這一天變成感謝曾經參與世界大戰的軍人的日子,而這一天也被改稱為退伍軍人節。從1954年開始,也就是韓戰 (Korean War) 結束之後,這個日子正式成為官方紀念那些曾經參與美國對外戰爭的士兵的日子。加拿大把這個節日稱為「緬懷戰士紀念日」 (Remembrance Day) 。英國則把最接近1111日的那個星期天當成是「緬懷戰是星期日」 (Remembrance Sunday) 。英國人在這一天向那些參與戰爭的軍人與犧牲者致敬。其他國家也有和阿靈頓國家公墓裡的無名士兵墓類似的神聖場所。如果你曾經到那些地方看過,你會發現許多有關於戰爭老兵的故事。你會用什麼方式向他們致敬呢?

World War I turned out not to be "the war to end all wars." If it had, November 11 might still be called Armistice Day. After World War II, the day was designated for giving thanks to veterans of both world wars and its name was changed to Veterans Day. Starting in 1954, after the Korean War, the date was officially changed to honor service members of all U.S. wars. In Canada, it is called Remembrance Day. In Great Britain, the Sunday nearest November 11 is set aside as Remembrance Sunday to pay tribute to veterans and victims of war. Other countries have shrines similar to the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington. If you look through this site, you will find stories about many veterans of many wars. How will you pay tribute to them?
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