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Jump Back in Time 現代時期  (1946 - present)
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退伍軍人節 (Veterans Day) :1111

讓我們向戰爭退伍軍人致敬!今天是退伍軍人節,有成千上萬人會到位在維吉尼亞州阿靈頓國家公墓內的無名士兵墓緬懷他們的奉獻。早上11點鐘,一名護衛會代表所有軍人向墳墓舉槍致敬 (Present Arms) 。而總統花環也會被放在墳墓之上,以象徵國家永遠記得這些為國捐軀的士兵。接著,號兵會走向前吹奏熄燈號 (Taps) 。在退伍軍人節的儀式完成後,人們會在附近的露天劇場舉辦演講與其他紀念活動。每年的1111日都會舉辦相同的儀式,這一天是美國為了紀念那些參與對外戰爭,而為國捐軀的男、女士兵所訂定的國定假日。

Give a salute to war veterans! It's Veterans Day, when thousands of people will visit the Tomb of the Unknowns in Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia. At 11 a.m., a color guard representing all military services will execute "Present Arms" at the tomb. A presidential wreath will be placed on the tomb, symbolizing the nation's remembrance of all those who died fighting for their country. A bugler will step up and play "Taps." After this Veterans Day ritual, ceremonies will continue in the surrounding amphitheater with speakers and tributes. This event takes place every year on November 11, the official holiday in the United States honoring veterans of the armed forces and the men and women who have served in the country's wars.

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