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Group of the Irish Brigade

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Politician Eamonn DeValera makes a dramatic plea to Irish people everywhere on St. Patrick's Day

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聖派翠克節 (St. Patrick's Day) :317

愛爾蘭兵團 (Irish Brigade) 在1862年美國內戰時組成。這些愛爾蘭裔士兵為聯邦軍隊作戰,並參與了一些很血腥的戰爭。一個叫做菲利普‧湯瑪斯‧塔克 (Phillip Thomas Tucker) 的歷史學家說:「這些凱爾特士兵 (Celtic) 可說是為了自己的將來,以及為了一個沒有種族隔離、沒有迫害、不會歧視愛爾蘭人、天主教、愛爾蘭文化,以及凱爾特傳統的美國而戰。」愛爾蘭美國人的傳統已經成為美國文化裡很重要的一部分。不管是在歌曲裡、節慶中,外表上,或企業裡,不管是哪一個種族的美國人現在都會慶祝聖派翠克節。

In 1862, during the Civil War, the Irish Brigade was formed. These Irish American soldiers fought for the Union in some of the bloodiest battles of the war. One historian, Phillip Thomas Tucker, said, "These Celtic soldiers were fighting most of all for their own future and an America which did not segregate, persecute, and discriminate against the Irish people and their Catholicism, Irish culture, and distinctive Celtic heritage." Irish American heritage has become an important part of American culture. In song, festivity, appearance and company, Americans of all ethnicities are celebrating St. Patrick's Day!
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CREDIT: "Harrison's Landing, Virginia. Group of the Irish Brigade." July 1862. Selected Civil War Photographs, 1861-1865, American Memory collections, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: DeValera, Eamonn, speaker. "St. Patrick's Day Message." Sound recording. Nation's Forum, circa 1918-1920. American Leaders Speak: Recordings from World War I and the 1920 Election, 1918-1920, American Memory collections, Library of Congress.