羅莎‧帕克斯 (Rosa
Parks) 因為「不合作主義」 (Civil
Disobedience) 而遭到逮捕:1955年12月1日
羅莎‧麥克考雷 (Rosa
McCauley) 生於1913年。她在20歲時嫁給雷蒙‧帕克斯 (Raymond
Parks) ,雷蒙還鼓勵她要完成高中學業。這對夫妻在「美國有色人種促進會」 (National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People,NAACP) 的蒙哥馬力郡分會裡相當活躍。帕克斯太太在擔任裁縫師的助理時,也同時擔任分會的秘書。後來,她還擔任組織青年協會的顧問。因為羅莎曾經因為膚色問題而在兩次選舉中無法投票,於是她也參加「選民聯盟」 (Voters
League) ,推廣黑人也應享有投票權的理念。
Rosa McCauley was born in 1913. At age 20, she married Raymond Parks, who encouraged her to earn her high school diploma. The couple was active in the Montgomery Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). While working as a tailor's assistant, Mrs. Parks served as chapter secretary. Later, she advised the NAACP Youth Council. Denied the right to vote on at least two occasions because of her race, Rosa Parks also worked with the Voters League to prepare blacks to register to vote.
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