索古德‧馬歇爾 (Thurgood
Marshall) 於1967年10月2日成為第一位非裔美籍最高法院法官
你是否曾經想過用一生的時間去改變那些深深困擾你的事情呢?索古德‧馬歇爾在擔任最高法院法官之前,就已經在為消弭種族歧視而奮鬥。馬歇爾也曾任職於「美國有色人種促進會」 (National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People,NAACP) 多年。西元1954年,馬歇爾在最高法院前主張因為膚色而隔離學校學童的行為違反了美國憲法。最高法院當時也同意他的看法。
Is there something that bothers you so much that you could spend your whole life working to change it? Even before he became a Supreme Court justice, Thurgood Marshall worked to end racial discrimination. For many years, he was on the staff of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). In 1954, Marshall argued before the Supreme Court that segregating school children based on their race was against the Constitution. The Supreme Court agreed with him.
Thurgood Marshall spent nearly twenty-five years on the Court, and retired in 1991. When he died on January 24, 1993, many people felt the nation had lost a valuable leader and a pillar of justice.
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