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Jump Back in Time 現代時期  (1946 - present)
Mobile Launcher One, Kennedy Space Center
甘迺迪太空中心 (Kennedy Space Center) 的移動式發射器一號 (Mobile Launcher One) ,這是發射第一艘登陸月球之載人太空梭阿波羅11號 (Apollo 11) 的發射器

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自從1959年在卡那維爾角 (Cape Canaveral) 成功發射美國第一個地球衛星「探險者1號」 (Explorer 1) 之後,美國太空總署的衛星科技就有了十足的進步。而1965年發射的衛星「晨鳥」 (Early Bird) 已經能夠同時提供美國與歐洲之間雙向的電視連結。現在,衛星已經能夠用來提供電話、電腦傳訊、無線電與電視傳播、地理位置定位、氣象資訊,以及其他服務。

NASA has greatly advanced satellite technology since the first U.S. earth satellite, Explorer I, was launched from Cape Canaveral in 1959. The 1965 satellite, Early Bird, had the capacity to provide a two-way television link between the U.S. and Europe. Now, satellites provide us with phone and computer communication, radio and television broadcast, accurate mapping, weather information, and so much more.

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