攝影師朵洛西亞‧藍吉 (Dorothea
Lange) 去世了:1965年10月11日
「我看到,也走向這個飢餓且絕望的母親,就像我被磁鐵吸引一樣。」藍吉在談到一張有名的照片流浪的母親 (Migrant
Mother) 時說了這些話。她還說:「我不記得我要怎麼跟她解釋我的出現或為什麼我要照相,但是我記得她什麼問題都沒有問。我也沒有問她的名字或過去。她只說她只有32歲。」
From 1935 to 1940, Lange's photographs made the country aware of those who were suffering most during the Depression, especially families of migrant farm workers who sought work in California after losing their own farms in states such as Oklahoma and Arkansas.
"I saw and approached the hungry and desperate mother, as if drawn by a magnet," said Lange when asked about one of her most famous photographs. "I do not remember how I explained my presence or camera to her, but I do remember she asked no questions. I did not ask her name or history. She told me her age, that she was 32."
Lange sent her photographs to newspapers across the country, free of charge. The images she took soon became symbols of the Great Depression. On October 11, 1965, photographer Dorothea Lange died in San Francisco at the age of 70. She left behind a legacy as one of America's most influential documentary photographers.
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