威斯康辛州的瓦特鎮 (Watertown) 舉辦7月4日遊行 (攝於1941年)
獨立紀念日 (Independence
Day) :美國慶祝國家的生日:1906年7月4日
西元1859年,當時奴隸制度還沒有廢除,雖然奴隸制度與獨立宣言中的理念有所衝突,但是費城班尼柯爾協會 (Banneker
Institute) 還是鼓勵非裔美人要慶祝獨立紀念日。然而,班尼柯爾協會很快的展現了希望:「我們一直以來所失去的權利,將會還給我們了。」
In 1859, still in the days of slavery, the Banneker Institute of Philadelphia urged African Americans to celebrate Independence Day, even though it recognized that the ideals of the Declaration of Independence were in conflict with the practice of slavery. Nonetheless, the institute expressed the hope that soon, "our long lost rights will be restored to us."
The Fourth of July became a legal holiday in 1941. Every year the celebration of the American ideal that--"all Men are created equal"--continues. How do you celebrate Independence Day?
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