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Jump Back in Time 現代時期  (1946 - present)
Robert Frost

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羅伯特福洛斯特 (Robert Frost) 在約翰甘迺迪 (John F. Kennedy) 的就職典禮上朗誦詩作:1961120

在熱烈掌聲停止之後,甘迺迪向大家介紹美國最偉大的詩人之一,羅伯特‧佛洛斯特,並請他走上台來。福洛斯特為這個場合寫了題為致敬 (Dedication) 的詩。他走向麥克風前,但是卻因為國會大廈屋頂上的白雪被陽光照得刺眼,所以他沒辦法唸出稿子。不過,福洛斯特很快的想了想,他引用了他自己在1942年寫的另一首詩全心的奉獻 (The Gift Outright) ,這首詩是這樣說的:


After the applause, Kennedy welcomed to the podium one of America's great poets, fellow New Englander Robert Frost. Frost had written a poem for the occasion called "Dedication." He approached the microphone, but blinded by the sun's glare on the snow-covered Capitol grounds, he was unable to read it. Thinking quickly, he instead recited "The Gift Outright," a poem he had written in 1942. It started:

"The land was ours before we were the land's.
She was our land more than a hundred years
Before we were her people. She was ours . . ."

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