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Jump Back in Time 現代時期  (1946 - present)
Cartoon by John Chase, 1950
這幅漫畫的標題是:杜魯門總統帶著麥克阿瑟將軍的帽子 (1950年)

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杜魯門宣佈「公平政策」 (Fair Deal) :194915

杜魯門也提出公平就業法 (
Fair Employment Practices Act) ,要求企業在僱用員工時,不能有種族與宗教上的歧視。國會在1946年通過了這項法律,並且清楚表示政府有責任要協助達到完全就業的目標。

Truman also proposed the Fair Employment Practices Act, which would outlaw racial and religious discrimination in hiring. Congress passed the Employment Act in 1946 and clearly stated the government's responsibility in helping to achieve full employment.
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