第三場辯論是首次的「電子辯論」 (electronic
debate) 。兩位候選人分別在美國東、西岸發話:甘迺迪在紐約的攝影棚裡發言,尼克森在洛杉磯。第四場辯論主要的焦點是外交政策議題。這場大辯論很重要嗎?民調專家估計大約有3百40萬位選民根據候選人在辯論時的表現,決定他們的選票要投給誰。這個里程碑也讓廣播媒體成為美國政治過程中的一個重要角色。
The third debate was the first genuine "electronic debate." The two candidates faced off from opposite coasts--Kennedy spoke from a television studio in New York and Nixon from Los Angeles. The fourth debate focused on foreign policy issues. Were the "Great Debates" significant? Pollsters estimated that approximately 3.4 million voters made their choice of party candidate on the basis of the debates alone. The milestone event thrust the broadcasting media into a central role in the American political process.
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