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Jump Back in Time 現代時期  (1946 - present)
U.S. Supreme Court with Flag
國旗在美國最高法院 (也就是捍衛有關「效忠誓詞」的自由言論的大樓) 外飄揚著

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在國旗日 (Flag Day) 慶祝:614

你有沒有在學校裡,把手放在胸口,嘴上唸著「效忠誓詞」 (
Pledge of Allegiance) 呢?或者,你有沒有在籃球賽開賽之前,唱過美國國歌星條旗永不落 (The Star Spangled Banner) 呢?許多美國人都會對著國旗演唱這首歌或宣示效忠。星條旗 (Old Glory) 這首美國國歌正是國家民主與獨立的象徵。向國旗致敬是慶祝與榮耀美國的一種方法。

Do you say the Pledge of Allegiance at your school, perhaps with your hand over your heart? Or sing "The Star Spangled Banner," the national anthem, before a baseball game? Many Americans sing, pledge, and pay respect to the flag, "Old Glory," as a symbol of the country's democracy and independence. Saluting the flag is a way to celebrate and honor the United States of America.

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CREDIT: Horydczak, Theodor, photographer. "U.S. Supreme Court with Flag." Circa 1920-1950. Washington as It Was: Photographs by Theodor Horydczak, 1923-1959,