因為歐洲各國對於領土與國界的意見紛歧,加上對其他議題的爭執,導致一個塞爾維亞狂熱份子於1914年6月28日刺殺奧匈帝國皇位繼承人斐迪南大公 (Archduke Ferdinand) 夫婦。就在一個月之後,戰爭正式爆發。西元1917年,英國輪船路西塔尼亞號 (Lusitania) 遭德國潛艇擊沈,一共有128名美國人死亡。到了1915年的年底,奧匈帝國、保加利亞、德國,以及奧圖曼土帝國結盟共同對付由英國、法國、俄國、義大利、比利時、塞爾維亞、蒙特尼哥羅 (Montenegro) ,以及日本組成的協約國。,美國於1917正式參戰。德國最後在1918年11月11日宣佈投降,所有參戰國也同意談判和平協定的條件,停止作戰。
Disagreements in Europe over territory and boundaries, among other
issues, came to a head with the assassination of the Archduke
Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian zealot on June 28, 1914. Exactly one month
later, war broke out. In 1915, the British passenger liner the
Lusitania was sunk by a German submarine, killing 128 Americans and
futher heightening tensions. By the end of 1915, Austria-Hungary,
Bulgaria, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire were battling the Allied
Powers of Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro
and Japan. In 1917, the U.S. entered the war. Germany formally
surrendered on November 11, 1918, and all nations agreed to stop fighting while the terms of peace were negotiated.
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