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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代  (1914-1928)
Woman suffrage procession program, 1913
由愛麗絲‧保羅所組織之支持婦女有選舉權者的行動程序表 (1913年於華盛頓)

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全國婦女黨 (National Woman』s Party) 的領袖愛麗絲保羅 (Alice Paul) 遭到逮捕之後,在監獄裡發起絕食抗議行動。監獄裡的醫生必須強迫餵食保羅與其他抗議者。由於這些來自白宮外抗議群眾,遭到逮捕者,以及監獄裡的抗議囚犯等的大眾壓力,威爾遜總統最後終於在1918年1月表態支持這項婦女投票權的憲法修正案,國會後來也表決通過。在1920826日,憲法第19項修正案得到多數州的認可,婦女終於享有投票的權利。這一天也被訂定為婦女平等日 (Women』s Equality Day) 。

The leader of the National Woman's Party, Alice Paul, staged a hunger strike in jail after her arrest. Prison doctors had to force-feed her and others. With all the pressure from publicity generated by the White House pickets, the arrests and forced-feedings of women protestors, President Wilson finally lent his support to the suffrage amendment in January 1918. Congress approved it, and on August 26, 1920, with the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment, women achieved the right to vote. That date is now commemorated as Women's Equality Day.
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