比特‧西格 (Pete
Seeger) 出生於1919年5月3日
許多民歌手寫的歌都與時事有關,比特‧西格也不例外。西格和另外一位作曲家合寫的「我們會克服的」 (We Shall Overcome) 就是爭取公民權利之抗議者在1960年代時常演唱的歌曲。而轉向!轉向!轉向! (Turn! Turn! Turn!) 則是在1965年由飛鳥 (Byrd) 演唱而受到大家歡迎的歌曲,歌詞是從聖經的傳道書 (Ecclesiastes) 所摘錄下來的。歌詞再描寫每樣事情都會發生在一定的時間與一定的地方,戰爭也一樣。這首歌在越戰最激烈的時候出版,最後一句歌詞是:「迎向和平的時光,我發誓並不會太晚。」
Many folk singers write songs about current events, and Peter Seeger was no different. "We Shall Overcome," which he co-wrote, was a song often sung during civil rights protests of the 1960s. "Turn! Turn! Turn!" a song popularized by the Byrds in 1965, draws its lyrics from the Bible's Book of Ecclesiastes. It says that there is a time and a place for everything - even war. The song was released during the height of the Vietnam War. Its last line is "A time for peace, I swear it's not too late."
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