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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代 (1914-1928)
Sheet music for 'Just like Washington Crossed the Delaware, General Pershing will Cross the Rhine.'

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在約翰‧皮爾辛 (John J. Pershing) 將軍的領導下,美國軍隊於1918912日展開在第一次世界大戰中的首次大規模攻擊行動

在這場戰爭裡,盟軍成功攻下西線 (Western Front) ,並且迫使德軍向後方撤退。到了10月,德國的失敗似乎已經確定了,戰爭也比預期要早結束。後來,各國領袖在19181111日簽署停戰協定。

在戰爭結束之前,皮爾辛就在法國戰場上,透過廣播錄音的方式向美國人民講話。他呼籲人民要支持「偉大前輩的精神。」伍德羅‧威爾遜 (Woodrow Wilson) 總統也呼應這個呼籲,因為皮爾辛早先估計在1919年時,美國必須派遣3百萬名士兵到歐洲作戰,但威爾遜並不想派遣這麼多人上戰場。毫無疑問的,皮爾辛帶領的軍隊在1918年贏得勝利後,拯救了許多即將上戰場的士兵的生命

In the Meuse-Argonne offensive, the combined Allied offensive against the Western Front successfully forced the German retreat. By October, Germany's defeat was certain, and the war came to an end earlier than expected. Leaders signed the Armistice on November 11, 1918.

Before this outcome, Pershing spoke to American citizens at home in a recorded broadcast from the battlefields of France. He called for support in "the spirit of our forefathers." President Woodrow Wilson encouraged this call for support, because Pershing had earlier estimated the need for 3 million American troops on European soil by 1919, a larger force than Wilson intended to send. Undoubtedly, the strength of Pershing's army in 1918 saved the lives of those men who would have come after.

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