卡爾森‧瑪克勒斯 (Carson
McCullers) 出生於1917年2月19日
瑪克勒斯在17歲的時候到紐約市學習音樂。西元1937年,她嫁給作家李維司‧瑪克勒斯 (Reeves
McCullers) 。他們幾年之後決定離婚,但是在1945年時又再次結婚。
西元1946年,瑪克勒斯創造出一個名叫法藍琪 (Frankie) 的沒有母親的13歲少女,。當法藍琪的哥哥要結婚時,法藍琪想要一起去度蜜月。這本書婚禮中的一個人 (A Member of the Wedding) ,後來在1950年時被改編為舞台劇,同時又在1952年時被拍成電影。雖然瑪克勒斯在29歲的時候身體的左邊全部癱瘓,但是那並沒有讓她停止創作。你的生活中有什麼經歷是可以寫成小說的呢?
McCullers went to New York City at the age of 17 to study music. In 1937, she married writer Reeves McCullers. They divorced a few years later, but married each other again in 1945.In 1946 she wrote about a motherless 13-year-old girl named Frankie. When her brother marries, Frankie wants to go with him on his honeymoon. The book,
A Member of the Wedding, was made into a stage play in 1950 and into a film in 1952. Even though she was paralyzed on the left side of her body at the age of 29, that didn't stop Carson McCullers from writing many stories. What have you experienced in your life that you can write about?
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