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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代  (1914-1928)
Amelia Earhart, between 1920 and 1937

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查爾斯‧林白 (Charles Lindbergh) 於1927611日得到十字飛行榮譽勳章 (Distinguished Flying Cross)

許多人都對於人類飛行的夢想相當著迷。你知道在林白完成這躺飛行的8年後,有一個叫做亞美莉雅俄哈特 (Amelia Earhart) 的女性成為第一個從夏威夷飛到加州完成更長距離飛行的女性嗎? (後來她在1937年嘗試環繞世界一週的飛行時,死於莫名的墜機。) 直到今日,還是有一些人飛到不同的國家工作,並且在當天返回自己的家中。你覺得有一天我們是否能在太空中進行這種旅行呢?

Lots of people are fascinated by the idea of human flight. Did you know that eight years after Lindbergh's trip, Amelia Earhart became the first person to complete an even longer flight from Hawaii to California? (She later apparently died in a mysterious plane crash as she attempted to fly around the world in 1937.) Today, some people fly across the country for work and return home on the same day. Do you think that someday we'll make the same sort of trips into space?
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