泰‧柯布 (Ty Cobb) 於1927年7月18日打出第四千支安打
喬伊‧傑克森因為被指控控制1919年的世界大賽,而遭到禁賽,這就是所謂的「黑襪醜聞」 (Black Sox Scandal) 。柯布則因為涉嫌介入賭博而決定在1926年離開職業棒壇。不過後來美國職棒第一位行政管理人,也是棒球裁判基尼索‧蒙登‧藍迪斯 (Kenesaw Mountain Landis) 證明柯布是清白的,並且讓他重新加入職業棒壇。柯布是一個左打右投的球員,他在1936年獲選進入「棒球名人堂」 (Baseball Hall of Fame) 。柯布在1961年出版了自傳我的棒球生涯 (My Life in Baseball) 。
Joe Jackson was banned from baseball after being involved in a conspiracy to "throw" (fix the outcome of) the World Series in 1919, known as the Black Sox Scandal. Cobb was allowed to resign from professional baseball in 1926 after supposedly being involved in gambling violations. Later, baseball's first commissioner, Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis, cleared Cobb of charges and allowed him to play again. Cobb, a left-handed batter who threw with his right hand, was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1936. Cobb's autobiography, titled
My Life in Baseball, was published in 1961.
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