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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代  (1914-1928)
Alice Paul is shown sewing the thirty-sixth star on the suffrage ratification banner.
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賦予女性投票權的第19項憲法修正案 (Nineteenth Amendment) 於191964日送交各州認可

西元1920年,由於已經有四分之三的州認可了19項修正案,於是婦女才終於享有投票權。一名叫做愛麗絲‧保羅 (Alice Paul) 的婦女,在積極爭取投票權成功之後,在星條旗上繡上最後一顆星星,代表婦女投票權運動的勝利。像愛麗絲‧保羅這樣的婦女,被稱做為主張婦女有權參政的女子,她們為了能和男性一同在「選舉日」 (Election Day) 享有投票權,爭取了超過70年的時間。

Once three-fourths of the states had ratified the 19th Amendment, women were granted the right to vote in 1920. A woman named Alice Paul, who had fought for suffrage, stitched the final star in a banner celebrating the victory of the suffrage movement. Women like Alice Paul were called suffragettes, and they fought for more than seventy years for the right to vote alongside men on Election Day.
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