蘇珊‧安東尼 (Susan
B. Anthony) 支持婦女投票權修正案:1884年3月8日
你可能聽過一塊錢硬幣上曾經有薩卡加為雅 (Sacajawea) 的人像,但是你知不知道在1979年時,美國曾經發行過另一種一塊錢硬幣呢?再那一年,美國發行了一塊錢的銀幣,上頭有蘇珊‧安東尼的人像。誰是蘇珊‧安東尼呢?給你個暗示:她幫助美國婦女取得投票權。
You have probably heard about the new $1 coin with Sacajawea on it, but did you know that in 1979 the United States had another dollar coin? That year, the U.S. issued a silver coin worth $1 that had an image of Susan B. Anthony on one side. Who was Susan B. Anthony? Here's a hint: she helped pave the way to give American women the right to vote.