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Jump Back in Time 鍍金時代  (1878-1889)
The cover of the sheet music to the song 'Liberty' by Ted S. Barron

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自由女神像 (The Statue of Liberty) 於1885619日到達紐約港

自由女神像附近的艾力司島移民站 (Ellis Island Immigration Station) 是各國移民進入美國的主要入口點,在1892年正式開始運作。在這個移民站於1943年停止運作之前,自由女神像已經歡迎了超過12百萬位移民進入美國。在自由女神像的基座上刻著詩人伊瑪.拉扎羅斯 (Emma Lazarus) 的一句詩文,反映出經過漫長海上旅程才能看到自由小姐的移民,他們心中對自由與機會的希望,這句詩文是這樣說的:



The nearby Ellis Island Immigration Station, a major reception point for immigrants entering the United States, opened in 1892. Before the station closed in 1943, the Statue of Liberty welcomed more than 12 million immigrants to America. On its pedestal, words by poet Emma Lazarus reflect the hope for freedom and opportunity shared by the millions who see Miss Liberty after a long ocean journey:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.

What kinds of things do you think the Statue of Liberty inspired? How about music?

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