西奧朵‧羅斯福 (Theodore
Roosevelt) 於1880年2月3日在他的日記裡這樣寫著
兩年之後,他和童年玩伴愛迪思‧可米特‧卡洛 (Edith
Kermit Carow) 結為夫妻。羅斯福家庭有一個相當親密且快樂的家庭生活,而小愛麗斯也成為四個小男孩與一個小女孩的大姊姊。當羅斯福成為美國總統之後,白宮就成為這六個小孩,以及一堆寵物,包括七隻狗、一匹小馬,以及一支飛鼠的遊樂場。
After his wife's death, Roosevelt consoled himself by writing, hunting, fishing, and working on his ranch in the Dakota Territory.
Two years later, he married his childhood friend, Edith Kermit Carow. The Roosevelts had a close and happy family life and little Alice soon became the eldest sister of four boys and a girl. When Roosevelt became president of the United States, the White House became a playground for his six children and a collection of pets, including several dogs, a pony, and a flying squirrel.
Roosevelt continued to record his life, not only in his diaries, but also in his letters. Have you started to record your own personal history?