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Jump Back in Time 殖民時期的美國  (1492-1763)


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1788年,馬裡蘭加入聯邦政府,成為美國第十七州,認同美國憲法。1812年的戰爭,英國轟炸巴爾的摩的 馬克亨利堡,「炸彈忽然在空中開花」,當時看到這個景象的,是一位名叫法蘭西斯史考特‧基的年輕律師,在他的抒情詩:「閃亮耀眼的星星」(美國國歌),寫出他眼見為憑的事實。馬裡蘭還有很多迷人的歷史,問問你的家人對這一州瞭解多少,事實上、為國歌譜曲的就是馬裡蘭人。

In 1788, Maryland entered the Union as the seventh state to ratify the U.S. Constitution. During the War of 1812, the British bombarded Baltimore's Fort McHenry "with bombs bursting in air." Watching this was a young lawyer named Francis Scott Key, who wrote the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner" based on his eyewitness account. Maryland has an even more fascinating history. Ask your family what they know about the state, and while you're at it, try humming a few bars of our national anthem, written by a Marylander.
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