哈得遜河,在莫罕坎印第安語中,稱為Muhheakunnuk, (意指偉大的不斷變動的水) ,是美國革命的兵家必爭之地。它也是重要的地形美化區域之一,稱為哈得遜河學校,盛讚美國的自然地形之美。今天,哈得遜河已經是這個國家的重要水路之一,航行船隻一年四季都能行駛到奧爾巴尼;休閒船隻、拖船、遊艇,從五月到十一月可以由此航行到五大湖。貨物像是木材、果肉、鋼鐵、可可豆、穀物、小型物質等,全都仰賴哈得遜河運送。美國的軍事學校西點軍校,也是在哈得遜閱兵。如果哈得遜看到哈得遜河今日的模樣,會做何感想呢?
The Hudson River, once known to the Mohican Indians as Muhheakunnuk ("Great Waters Constantly in Motion"), was the site of key battles in the American Revolution. It also inspired an important phase of landscape painting called the Hudson River school that celebrated the natural beauty of the American landscape. Today, the Hudson is one of the nation's most important waterways. Oceangoing ships can navigate the river to Albany year-round. Pleasure boats and tugboat and barge traffic can reach the Great Lakes from May to November. Cargo such as wood pulp, steel, cocoa beans, grain, and scrap metal rely on the Hudson for deliveries. The U.S. Military Academy at West Point overlooks the Hudson too. What would Henry Hudson say if he saw that river today?
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