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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
West Virginia Hill Farm

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西維吉尼亞 (West Virginia) 於1863620日成為美國第35
許多人退休後都到西維吉尼亞州去享受大自然的風光資源。本州因為有阿帕拉契山脈通過,乃是密西西比河以東海拔最高的地方。森林覆蓋了全州四分之三的土地,而農莊則佔去全州最肥沃的溪谷地區。來自各地的觀光客紛紛來此參觀西維吉尼亞的33座國家公園,並且體驗西維吉尼亞州世界級的激流泛舟活動,或者是欣賞一下此地特殊的音樂、藝術等文化傳統。現在許多西維吉尼亞的人都還 誇耀他們的口號:「登山客總是自由的」這是千真萬確的。

Many people have retired to West Virginia to enjoy its wealth of natural resources. The state, with its Appalachian Mountains, is the highest in elevation east of the Mississippi. Forest covers about three-fourths of the state, while farms cover many of the ridges and fertile valleys. Tourists come from all over to visit West Virginia's 33 state parks, experience its world-class white-water rafting, or encounter its unique cultural traditions in music and the arts. Many West Virginians today would still boast their motto to be true: "Mountaineers Are Always Free."
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