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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Daily Citizen, July 2, 1863
因為補給中斷了,史瓦茲 (Swords) 編輯只好將「每日公民報」印在壁紙的背面

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尤利塞斯·格蘭特 (Ulysses S. Grant) 將軍試圖奪下密西西比州的威克斯堡 (Vicksburg) :1863519

到了第44天,因為一切補給都已經用盡,威克斯堡裡「每日公民報」 (Daily Citizen) 的編輯只好被迫將報紙印在壁紙背後。他在報紙上寫著:格蘭特將軍希望在威克斯堡中享受大餐,以慶祝186374日的美國國慶日。但是編輯怎麼也想不到就在這一天,潘伯頓將軍會向聯邦軍隊投降。當格蘭特將軍的手下看到那天的報紙時,他們在上頭加了一段話:格蘭特將軍確實在威克斯堡享用大餐來慶祝獨立紀念日!你還知道其他什麼有關威克斯堡、格蘭特,或者是美國內戰期間諸多衝突的故事 嗎?

By the forty-fourth day, with no supplies coming into town, the editor of Vicksburg's Daily Citizen was reduced to printing the news on wallpaper. He wrote that General Ulysses S. Grant wished to celebrate the Fourth of July "dining in Vicksburg." Little did the writer know that on July 4, 1863, Pemberton would surrender to the Union general. Finding the newspaper, Grant's men added a paragraph declaring that Grant had indeed dined in Vicksburg and celebrated Independence Day! What else do you know about Vicksburg, Grant, or the many conflicts of the American Civil War?
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