行動主義者瑪麗‧秋契‧泰瑞 (Mary
Church Terrell) 於1863年9月23日出生了
在1898年,瑪麗‧秋契‧泰瑞為文指出:「儘管非裔美籍婦女擁有許多理想與抱負,但是她們卻因為性別因素而處處受到牽制,同時不管在哪裡,因為種族因素,都受到許多阻撓與嘲笑。」因此,泰瑞為了爭取社會與教育改革而不停奮戰著。泰瑞於1863年9月23日出生於田納西州的孟斐斯 (Memphis) ,她是一個教育家、政治行動主義者,也是「全國有色人種婦女協會」 (National
Association of Colored Women) 的第一位會長。泰瑞很清楚教育的重要性。
In 1898, Mary Church Terrell wrote how African-American women "with ambition and aspiration [are] handicapped on account of their sex, but they are everywhere baffled and mocked on account of their race." She fought for equality through social and educational reform. Born on September 23, 1863, in Memphis, Tennessee, Terrell became an educator, political activist, and the first president of the National Association of Colored Women. Terrell understood the value of education.
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