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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant

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在接下來的幾個星期裡,南方聯盟的軍隊紛紛投降,而南方聯盟的總統傑佛遜‧大衛斯 (Jefferson Davis) 也遭到逮捕。四年前的初夏在南卡羅來納商特堡 (Fort Sumter) 所爆發的血腥年代終於結束。格蘭特將軍和聯邦軍隊終於贏得勝利。現在是南方與北方的人民重新恢復正常生活的時刻。你能想想那是什麼樣的情況嗎?

In the weeks that followed, Confederate forces surrendered, and Confederate President Jefferson Davis was captured. The bloody era that began four years earlier at Fort Sumter, South Carolina, was over. General Grant and the Federal Army had finally won. It was time for the people of both the South and the North to rebuild their lives. Can you imagine what that must have been like?
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