雖然暴力事件頻傳,但是拓荒者還是紛紛來到蒙大拿地區,主要是受到金礦、銅礦的吸引,同時也希望在這裡取得屬於自己的土地。當拓荒者在1880年代湧入這片土地時,許多美國原住民被迫遷徙到保留區裡。當地的牧場與旅客之中,有許多牛仔,就像圖裡這個在麥迪遜郡 (Madison
County) 的牧羊人一樣。你有沒有去過蒙大拿州呢?
Despite the violence, Montana settlers kept coming, drawn by gold, copper, and the chance to claim some of that rich land for themselves as homesteaders. Native Americans were forced onto reservations while pioneers poured into the territory in the 1880s. Many of our images of Western cowboys came from these early ranchers and travelers, like this shepherd in Madison County, Montana. Have you ever visited the state of Montana?
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