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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Philippine women received by First Lady
作為「第一夫人」,佛羅倫斯‧哈丁必須進行許多社交禮儀上的行程,例如與菲律賓代表的夫人們寒暄等等 (1922年)

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佛羅倫斯‧克林‧哈丁 (Florence Kling Harding) 於1860815日出生了

當哈丁太太搬進白宮時,她重新把這棟豪宅與園地對外開放,這些地方在威爾遜總統生病時、暫時停止了對外的開放。哈丁太太的白宮行事曆上總是寫滿各式各樣的行程,像是在這張照片中,她就得與來自菲律賓的代表夫人們寒暄,因為這些代表正與美國總統商討承認該國獨立的事宜。哈丁太太是照片中間的那個女性,她的身旁站著代表菲律賓婦女的潔美‧迪菲拉 (Jaime C. De Veyra) 。

When Mrs. Harding moved into the White House, she reopened the mansion and grounds to the public, as they had been closed during Woodrow Wilson's illness while he was president. Mrs. Harding presided over a crowded social calendar in the White House. She had many ceremonial duties, such as the one in this photo, where she is greeting the wives of the Philippine delegation who were seeking the recognition of complete independence of the islands. Mrs. Harding is in the center of the group along with Mme. Jaime C. De Veyra, who presented the Philippine women.
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