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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Mrs. Warren G. Harding

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佛羅倫斯‧克林‧哈丁 (Florence Kling Harding) 於1860815日出生了

你知道誰是第一個被允許在總統選舉中投票給她先生的美國婦女嗎?這個婦女就是於1860815日在俄亥俄州的馬里昂出生的佛羅倫斯‧克林‧哈丁,也就是瓦倫‧哈丁 (Warren G. Harding) 的妻子。她向來就是主張婦女投票權的支持者,而且也是在1920年夏天政府通過憲法第19修正案後,第一個在總統選舉中投票支持自己先生的婦女。


Do you know who was the first American woman allowed to vote for her husband for president? It was none other than Florence Kling Harding, wife of Warren G. Harding, born on August 15, 1860, in Marion, Ohio. She was a strong supporter of women's suffrage (the right to vote) and was able to cast her ballot for her husband in the presidential campaign of 1920 because the 19th amendment had been ratified that summer.

Florence Kling Harding was a wife, mother, and business manager and was one of the first women to bring a professional identity to the role of first lady.

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