

1865年4月14日,晚上10點剛過不久,演員約翰‧威克司‧布斯 (John
Wilkes Booth) 進入為於華盛頓特區福特戲院 (Ford
Theater) 的總統包廂裡,朝著正在看戲的亞伯拉罕‧林肯總統發射致命的一槍。當林肯從椅子上跌落下來時,布斯跳上舞台,並且從後門逃走。當時觀眾裡有一個醫生很快的跑到已經無法行動的總統身旁檢查他的傷勢。林肯隨後被送到戲院對街的「彼得森旅館」 (Peterson』s
Boarding House) ,但是在隔天早晨就不幸去世。
Shortly after 10 p.m. on April 14, 1865, actor John Wilkes Booth entered the presidential box at Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C., and fatally shot President Abraham Lincoln. As Lincoln slumped forward in his seat, Booth leapt onto the stage and escaped through the back door. A doctor in the audience rushed over to examine the paralyzed president. Lincoln was then carried across the street to Petersen's Boarding House, where he died early the next morning.
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