雪曼 (Sherman) 於1865年3月11日攻下了「法葉村」 (Fayetteville)
在1865年3月11日,聯邦軍隊在威廉‧雪曼 (William
T. Serman) 將軍的帶領下,不斷攻城掠地,順利進入卡羅萊納地區,內戰已經到了快要結束的最後關頭。聯邦軍隊擊退由約瑟夫‧強斯頓 ( (Joseph
E. Johnston) 率領的南方聯盟軍隊,並且摧毀了南方聯盟軍隊在北卡羅來納法葉村製造與儲存軍火的火藥庫。
On March 11, 1865, the Civil War was in its final weeks when a strong 60,000-man force, under the command of Union General William T. Sherman, marched in through the Carolinas, capturing town after town. They overcame the Confederate soldiers led by General Joseph E. Johnston. The Union Army captured and destroyed the Confederate arsenal, a building where weapons were made and stored, in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
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