柯尼勒斯‧亞歷山大‧麥克吉利庫狄 (Cornelius
Alexander McGillicuddy) 於1862年12月22日出生了
康尼‧麥克 (Connie
Mack) 在1880年代是一個職業棒球捕手,那時候並沒有什麼護具。他的小腿裸露在外,而他的手套、面具,還有護胸並無法給他多大的保護。麥克當時高6尺1吋,重150磅,是一個瘦瘦高高的人,而且把所有可以保護身體的護具都戴到身上去了。
康尼‧麥克於1862年12月22日出生在麻州的布魯克費爾得 (Brookfield) ,被稱作職業棒球大聯盟的「高個兒謀士」 (Tall
Tactician) 。他的全名是柯尼勒斯‧亞歷山大‧麥克吉利庫狄。在1901年時,麥克一支職業球隊的經理,這支球隊叫做「費城俱樂部」 (Philadelphia
Club) ,同時他還擁有球隊25%的股份。你知道他幫球隊取了什麼新的名字嗎?
Connie Mack was a professional baseball catcher in the 1880s, when protective equipment was nearly nonexistent. His shins were exposed and his mitt, mask, and chest protector provided little cover. At 6 feet 1 inch and 150 pounds, Mack was string-bean thin and could use all the protective gear baseball had to offer.
Connie Mack, the "Tall Tactician" of major league baseball, was born on December 22, 1862, in East Brookfield, Massachusetts. His full name was Cornelius Alexander McGillicuddy. In 1901 Mack became manager and owner of 25 percent of the baseball team called the Philadelphia Club. Do you know what new name he gave the team?
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