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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
William Jennings Bryan, 1900-1920.

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Charles Fulton making fun of W.J. Bryan in "Every Little Bit Added to What I've Got" in 1939

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威廉‧珍寧斯‧布萊恩 (William Jennings Bryan) 於1860319日出生了

布來恩把許多宗教信念帶進了參議院。他支持禁酒 (Prohibition) 的政策,認為在美國內部販賣或購買酒精是非法的行為;他也支持一項阻止學校教授演化論的憲法修正案 (這個理論是在人類從人猿一直發展到現在人類這段長達多年的過程) 。到了1925年,布來恩參與一個指控老師的訴訟案件。這名老師叫做約翰‧斯科普斯 (Scopes Trial) 。原告認為這個老師違反法律,在一堂高年級生物課裡教導學生演化論的知識。

布來恩和擔任斯科普斯辯護律師的克萊倫斯‧達洛 (Clarence Darrow) 在法庭上進行激烈的言詞交鋒,兩人爭辯的情景在1955年時曾被拍成戲劇「承受清風」 (Inherit the Wind) ,並於1960年時被拍成電影。克萊倫斯‧達洛反對布來恩的看法,他說:「文明正在接受審判。」後來斯科普斯認罪,被罰款1百塊美金。

Bryan brought many of his religious beliefs to the Senate. He supported Prohibition, which made the buying and selling of alcohol illegal in the U.S., and an amendment to the Constitution preventing schools from teaching evolution (the theory that man developed, over millions of years, from apes). In 1925, Bryan was involved in a trial against a teacher, John T. Scopes, who broke the law by teaching the theory of evolution in a high school biology class.

The drama of the courtroom argument between Bryan and Clarence Darrow, who represented Scopes, was captured in a famous play, Inherit the Wind (1955) and movie (1960). Clarence Darrow argued against Bryan and said, "Civilization is on trial." Scopes was convicted and fined $100.

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CREDIT: "William Jennings Bryan, full-length portrait, seated at desk, facing left" 1900-1920. Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Fulton, Charles. "Every Little Bit Added to What I've Got." Recorded by Sidney Robertson Cowell, August 15, 1939. California Gold: Northern California Folk Music from the Thirties. Collected by Sidney Robertson Cowell, Library of Congress.