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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Arlington, Va. Brig. Gen. Gustavus A. DeRussey (third from left) and staff on portico of Arlington House.

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阿靈頓國家公墓 (Arlington National Cemetery) :1864513

這個地方本來是李將軍故居的一部份,他和他的妻子瑪麗‧安娜 (Mary Anna) 在這裡結婚並一直住到1861年。當李將軍接任南方聯盟軍隊的指揮官時,聯邦軍隊把他的老家拿來當成軍事總部,並且在四處紮營。阿靈頓故居現在已經被修復得和內戰之前一模一樣,以紀念李經軍的事蹟。你可以到那裡參觀,想 像自己回到1830年代。如果你可以建造一座紀念碑或紀念塔,你會想用來彰顯哪一位人物呢?

The grounds used to be part of Arlington House, where General Robert E. Lee and his wife Mary Anna married and lived until 1861. When Lee left to take command of the Confederate troops, the Union Army turned his old home into a military headquarters and the land around it into a camp. The Arlington House has now been restored to its pre-Civil War condition and is a memorial to Robert E. Lee. You can visit it and imagine yourself traveling back in time to the 1830s. If you could build a monument or memorial, what or whom would you honor?
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