林肯認為奴隸制度在道德上是不對的。他廢除了首都裡的奴隸制度,並在5個月後發佈了「解放宣言」 (Emancipation
Proclamation) ,威脅南方聯盟的各州,若這些州在1863年1月1日時,不重新回到聯邦政府,那麼聯邦將要解放美國各州的所有奴隸。到了1866年,也就是特區的「自由宣言」 (Proclamation
of Freedom) 生效的第4年紀念,華盛頓特區的非裔美籍公民舉行了盛大的慶祝活動。大約有5千人沿著賓州大道遊行慶祝獲得自由的第一步,四周則有超過1萬人在街道旁圍觀。
Lincoln saw slavery as morally wrong. He abolished slavery in the capital, and five months later went on to issue his preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which threatened to free all slaves in states in rebellion if those states did not return to the Union by January 1, 1863. In 1866, on the fourth anniversary of the District's Proclamation of Freedom, African American citizens of Washington, D.C., staged a huge celebration. Some 5,000 people marched up Pennsylvania Avenue past 10,000 cheering spectators, rejoicing over that first step to freedom.
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