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'The Castle Geyser, Upper Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park.'
位於上噴泉盆地(Upper Geyser Basin)的城堡間歇泉(Castle Geyser),黃石國家公園.

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黃石國家公園有一部分位於懷俄明境內,它也是世上擁有最多噴泉的地方,而其中最著名的噴泉就是老實泉,因為它的噴發時間極為的準確,故被人取名老實泉。噴泉是會噴發熱水及蒸氣的溫泉,而黃石國家公園則擁有為數極多的溫泉 。噴泉內的水及蒸氣會在地底下的狹窄通道內漸漸凝聚壓力,蒸氣會迫使水的溫泉上升,而地底下水溫的突然改變則會導致表面的水及蒸氣猛力爆發。噴泉的噴發方式各有差異,有些是四處噴發,有些的噴髮帶有特定角度,而還有一些會自錐形岩石的陣列中噴發出來,如照片中的城堡間歇泉(Castle Geyser)。黃石公園的溫泉也會形成地熱孔、泥沼及顏色鮮明的彩色水池。公園內較為著名的噴泉為汽船噴泉(Steamboat)及老實泉。

What is Old Faithful and why have millions of people traveled to Wyoming to see it?

Yellowstone National Park, part of which is in Wyoming, is home to more geysers than any other place in the world. The most famous geyser is Old Faithful, which got its name because its eruptions can be so reliably predicted. A geyser is a spring that sprays out blasts of heated water and steam. The park has plenty of hot springs. In a geyser, steam and water build pressure beneath a narrow passageway in the ground. Steam forces the water up, and sudden changes in underground water temperature create violent explosions of water and steam on the surface. Some geysers erupt in bursts, some at angles, and some from cone-shaped rock formations, such as Castle Geyser, pictured here. Yellowstone's hot springs also form steam vents, mudpots, and vividly colored pools. The park's geysers, like Steamboat and Old Faithful, however, are far more famous.

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