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Explore the States 懷俄明
Photo of several people trying to saddle a wild horse while two men on horseback watch from the distance

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Mr. T的公牛是一頭難駕馭的公牛!

1920年代時,拓荒者日新增了一項駕馭公牛的項目,這個在夏延鎮舉辦、始於1897年的節慶旨在慶祝牛仔文化。公牛擁有自己的名字,如:「壞到骨子裡」及「Mr. T.」,而180名牛仔曾試騎Mr. T,但都被他摔出去,停留在Mr. T.背上最久的記錄為八秒鐘!

內戰(Civil War)過後的一段時期,牛仔來到懷俄明尋求冒險生活及機會;他們都是熟練且無懼的騎馬手,他們都曾沿著小徑將長角牛從墨西哥及德州趕到懷俄明,以便將牛肉提供給駐紮在懷俄明境內的各個軍事兵營。座落在牧地中央及聯合太平洋鐵路旁的夏延鎮曾試著吸引商機及人潮。所以1896年時,一群牛仔決定要舉辦一場競賽。



A bull named Mr. T was one mean bull!

In the 1920s bull riding was added as an event to Frontier Days, a celebration of cowboy culture that was first held in 1897 in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Bulls had names like Bad to the Bone and Mr. T. More than 180 cowboys tried to ride Mr. T, but he threw them all off. The longest any of them was able to stay on was eight seconds!

In the period following the Civil War, cowboys came to Wyoming looking for adventure and opportunity. They were skilled and fearless horsemen who herded longhorn cattle up the trails from Mexico and Texas to provide beef to various military posts in the Wyoming territory. The town of Cheyenne, located along the Union Pacific Railroad in the heart of ranch land, was trying to attract business and people. So, in 1896, a group of cowboys decided to hold a contest.

The following year, the first Frontier Days celebration took place. The cowboys roped steers and demonstrated rope tricks. They also challenged each other in the activity that is a true test of a cowboy's skill -- riding a bucking bronco (a wild horse that has a tendency to buck, or throw, its rider).

Cheyenne no longer has a problem attracting people. The Frontier Days celebration attracts more than 180,000 visitors!

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