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'Harpers Ferry, West Virginia'

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哈普斯渡口(Harpers Ferry)

在美國歷史中,甚至在內戰時期西維吉尼亞脫離維吉尼亞並自成一州前,西維吉尼亞的哈普斯渡口(Harpers Ferry)小鎮扮演了一個極為重要的角色。1859年,廢奴主義者(希望廢除奴隸制度的人)約翰布朗(John Brown)在鎮上發動襲擊。他希望使用自美國軍械庫及兵工廠所奪取的武器來解放該區的奴隸。布朗於是計劃自附近的山坡某處發動突然襲擊。雖然他並沒有成功,但這次的襲擊計畫提升了緊張情勢並進而導致內戰發生。

內戰時期,邦聯(Confederate)及聯邦(Union)軍隊都想要控制哈普斯渡口。它不只擁有軍械庫及兵工廠(存放武器的場所),它還座落在重要鐵路及謝南多厄河(Shenandoah river)及波多馬克河(Potomac river)的交接處。事實上,哈普斯渡口在戰時曾經易手八次,這也顯示出雙方都非常想要擁有此鎮的控制權。

The small town of Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, played a significant role in United States history, even before the state of West Virginia separated from Virginia during the Civil War. In 1859, John Brown, an abolitionist, (someone who wanted to see slavery abolished), led a raid on the town. He hoped to use weapons seized from the U.S. Armory and Arsenal to free slaves in the area. Brown then planned to launch similar raids elsewhere from the surrounding hills. He did not succeed, but the raid contributed to tensions leading to the Civil War.

During the Civil War, both the Confederate and the Union armies wanted control of Harpers Ferry. Not only did it have an arsenal and armory (a place to store weapons), but also the town was located at the meeting point of important railroads and at the meeting of the Shenandoah and Potomac rivers. In fact, Harpers Ferry changed hands eight times during the war, which shows just how much both sides wanted to control it.

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